Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Student ideas for the future of St. Paul's Ford plant
Architecture students at the University of Minnesota will present their proposals on what to do with a soon-to-be-defunct Ford Motor Companies Twin Cities Assemblies Plant. Ford is due to stop manufacturing pickup trucks at the Highland Park site in St. Paul in 2009.

According to a press release from the university, "The final-year students, from professor Lance Neckar's Landscape Architecture studio and professor John Comazzi's architecture studio, have spent the semester creating research and design proposals for the plant. With a focus on remediation of the site, the students have considered in-situ processes such as phyto-remediation, bio-remediation, engineered solutions and ground and surface water cleaning."

You can see the designs for yourself on Wednesday evening (5:30 - 7:30 p.m.) at Rapson Hall, 89 Church Street SE, Minneapolis. More information is available here.

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