If you subscribe to Wallpaper* (I don't), maybe you can answer this question: How does the super-sized magazine fit in your mailbox? And once it's in your apartment, condo or house, do you display it or stack it up with the other magazines in the corner? Also, why is there as asterisk at the end of the word Wallpaper*? What does that mean? Is it just a hip, graphic design thing? These questions popped into my mind as I tried to understand the excessively complicated Wallpaper* list of the world's top, young architects on its website. It is arranged by continents, in boxes. Click on a continent, and boxes of countries appeared. Click on a country and boxes of firms appeared. Click on a firm and — finally — something happened. A profile of a firm appeared. Geez. I don't think any Minnesota firms made the list, but I can't be sure. (Photo courtesy of Wallpaper*)
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