Thursday, October 18, 2007

Marina City Towers, Chicago
This post has absolutely nothing to do with Minnesota architecture. It does, however, have everything to do with architecture that I love. During a visit to Chicago a few days ago, I signed up for the Chicago Architecture Foundation river tour of the city and fell in love with Marina City, those corncob-shaped towers that rise from the concrete to tower over the river like a pair of State Fair blue ribbon winners.

Now that I'm home again in Minneapolis, I found several great online resources about the building, including this page on architect Bertrand Goldberg and a 1959 speech he made in Edmonton explaining his thoughts on the project. The buildings, completed in 1965, are 56 stories high, the first 19 stories of which are parking. Each tower has 448 units of housing, according to this website. (Photos by Todd Melby)

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