My neighbors and I are throwing a party. On Sunday, Sept. 23, we'll be hosting the first-ever Historic Milwaukee Avenue Home Tour. It's your chance to peek inside 1890s workman's cottages and other cool, old houses. It's also a chance for me to answer once and for all the questions I'm frequently asked while lounging on my front porch on Milwaukee Avenue, a street that doesn't allow cars. Those questions include: How did this happen? How old are these houses? What are they like inside? Do these houses ever go up for sale? And, where do you park?
Photos of the houses on the tour and story summaries are available at the home tour site (click the link above). Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 on the day of the event. Call (651) 293-9047 to purchase. All proceeds from the event benefit the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota and Seward Neighborhood Group.
I am so bummed that I'll be out of town that weekend. Hope it goes well and next year will be the 2nd annual tour :)
That beer looks might tasty, Moe. This will probably be the only Milwaukee Avenue tour this decade. It's a lot of volunteer effort. So to those of you in town, mark your calendars.
Still hope you will publish a book
about the restoration of the houses
and the community. There are a
few articles out there but this was
a very important project with great
lessons for people interested in
saving unique houses, creating an
urban community and appropriately updating them.
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